Maintenance And Repair Tips To Keep Your Home Sewage System Efficiently Eliminating Effluent


Your home septic system is as essential as electricity and clean running water in today's world. When any one of these systems goes down, you immediately realize how vital it is to a healthy and productive day. However, when your septic system fails or is clogged, you can end up with sewage waste backed up into your home and harmful microbes over home surfaces as a result, requiring immediate attention to septic system repair and keep it running well. Here are some recommendations to help you keep your septic system maintained and have it repaired appropriately when it is necessary.

Keep a Record of Your System

One of the biggest parts of keeping your septic system in good repair is to handle regular preventative service to the system. For each septic pump cleaning, you hire, keep a record of when it was completed and also note any problems that you notice between services. If you ever go to sell your home this record can be helpful when you list your home for sale and also hand over the keys to the new owner.

Also be sure you know where the system is located in your yard, including the tank and drain field. When you know where your tank is located, for example, and you need to arrange a septic professional to pump the tank, you can direct them right to its location. And if the tank lids are buried below the soil, which occurs in some homeowner's landscaping, you can quickly and easily access the lids for the septic professional to complete their maintenance.

Knowing where your septic drain field is located on your property is another important detail. Then you can keep an eye on the soil or vegetation above the drain field and look out for any problems that indicate your system is malfunctioning and needs to be repaired. For example, if you walk over the drain field site and notice the area is wet, swampy, spongy, and smelly, this is a red flag warning that your system is not efficiently handling your home's sewage waste. Contact your septic professional immediately for them to service and inspect the system to complete the needed repairs.

Arrange For Professional Repairs

When you realize it is time for an emergency septic repair, your septic professional will get to your home to inspect your tank and its drain field to determine where the problem has begun. It may be due to the tank being full and the excess waste draining into your drain field. Or you may have a clog in a drainage line from waste build-up. Your septic professional may need to excavate a drain field line to restore the proper flow, and can also clean out the system's interior of the build-up to promote good flow for the future.


18 November 2020

What Lies Beneath: A Septic Website

You know what stinks? An overflowing septic tank that needs pumping. You know what doesn't stink? This website. Here, we dive into the most gnarly of septic-related topics without an ounce of embarrassment. Here, you'll find articles on sewage backups, how to keep your family from ruining your septic tank, and what you should and should not flush down your toilet. If it's septic-related, you can bet we will go there. Your septic tank may lie beneath the soil, but we don't believe in hiding. Start reading here, and you'll also gain a better understanding of how septic systems work and how to maintain them. Your pipes and grass will thank you.