Facing The Challenges Of Winter Septic Installation


When you have to go, you have to go. Your septic system also can't wait when the time comes for a replacement. Unfortunately, septic system failures don't always wait for the perfect moment. When parts of your system fail during the winter, unexpected challenges can potentially make replacement more difficult.

Waiting for the spring isn't an option when it comes to managing your home's wastewater, of course. Instead, this article will outline the ways that winter weather can potentially impact your new septic system installation and how you and your installer will overcome these issues.

Site Access

The number one concern for any contractor will be reaching the site. Replacing a septic system during a blizzard with snow-covered roads is impossible, but most contractors will not have an issue with winter site access once the plows have done their work. To make the job easier, ensure that you remove as much snow from your driveway as possible.

Aside from this, snow cover shouldn't be a significant concern for most companies that can perform a septic system installation. Always consult with your installer first if you have an unusually large amount of snow on your property or if the site is inaccessible for other reasons. Most contractors can work around these issues, but letting them know in advance will help them plan adequately.

Frozen Ground

Installing a new septic system requires significant excavation, which can make frozen ground a concern. If you live in a climate where it gets cold during the winter, most local companies should have experience dealing with the hard ground. Although frozen soil shouldn't be enough to stop your project, be sure to ask your contractor whether you should expect higher excavation costs.

Frozen Septic System Components

The ground isn't the only thing that can freeze in the winter. Bacterial action and warm wastewater both prevent your septic system from freezing while in use, but the situation can change if you leave your tank idle. Although your system won't freeze if you stop using it for a day or two, this can become a concern if you stop using a failed system for several weeks or longer.

You will need to pump your tank before you can remove and replace it. A frozen system can complicate this considerably, although experienced contractors can usually deal with the problem. Since this process will almost certainly increase your installation costs, it's best to replace a failed septic system before it has time to freeze.

Reach out to a septic system installation professional now to learn more. 


28 October 2020

What Lies Beneath: A Septic Website

You know what stinks? An overflowing septic tank that needs pumping. You know what doesn't stink? This website. Here, we dive into the most gnarly of septic-related topics without an ounce of embarrassment. Here, you'll find articles on sewage backups, how to keep your family from ruining your septic tank, and what you should and should not flush down your toilet. If it's septic-related, you can bet we will go there. Your septic tank may lie beneath the soil, but we don't believe in hiding. Start reading here, and you'll also gain a better understanding of how septic systems work and how to maintain them. Your pipes and grass will thank you.