Both commercial and residential septic systems are capable of handling the waste produced by the buildings they service. What can differ between the two systems is the amount of space in which the septic system operates. Residential septic systems typically have ample room for a drainfield and lengths of pipe that drain waste into the tank. Commercial properties are limited when it comes to space, so the design of these systems must differ in order to function effectively. You may want to talk to your septic contractor about adding a pump, aerator, or drip lines to your commercial septic system in the future.
1. Septic Pump
The addition of a pump to your commercial septic system can be beneficial when it comes to moving waste from your commercial space into the tank. Gravity usually helps waste travel along drainage pathways in a septic system, but your commercial property might not be large enough to accommodate the lengths of pipe needed for gravity to effectively drain waste.
A pump can manually move waste with ease, preventing potential clogs and other problems that might plague your commercial septic system when improper waste movement occurs.
2. Aerator
Another element that you might want to include in the design of your commercial septic system is an aerator. Waste inside your septic tank is broken down by a colony of bacteria. The bacteria need access to plenty of oxygen in order to remain healthy and break down waste efficiently.
An aerator helps to infuse a septic tank with the oxygen that bacteria need to thrive. The addition of an aerator to your commercial system can help improve the efficiency of your waste management and reduce the potential for sewage backups over time.
3. Drip Lines
The type of pipes that are used to connect your commercial septic tank to your drainage area can have a direct impact on tank efficiency. If you want to improve efficiency in your commercial septic system, you should opt to install drip lines instead of solid pipes.
Drip lines allow treated wastewater to seep out into the soil over a large area. Solid pipes deposit a large amount of wastewater in a single location, which can pose a problem for the asphalt parking lot or landscaping located above your drainage area.
A pump can improve the flow of water through drip lines, allowing your septic system to function as efficiently as possible.
Share25 February 2020
You know what stinks? An overflowing septic tank that needs pumping. You know what doesn't stink? This website. Here, we dive into the most gnarly of septic-related topics without an ounce of embarrassment. Here, you'll find articles on sewage backups, how to keep your family from ruining your septic tank, and what you should and should not flush down your toilet. If it's septic-related, you can bet we will go there. Your septic tank may lie beneath the soil, but we don't believe in hiding. Start reading here, and you'll also gain a better understanding of how septic systems work and how to maintain them. Your pipes and grass will thank you.