If you are currently facing the need to install a new septic tank on your property, it is important to understand some of the factors that will make a specific location suitable for the septic installation. Otherwise, the system may experience chronic performance problems and be more difficult to maintain.
Avoid Placing The Tank On An Elevated Surface
Placing the septic tank on a surface that is elevated can limit the ability of water to flow into the tank. This can lead to the drains in the home working slower and generally being more prone to clogs or other problems. In fact, it can be ideal to place the tank at the lowest point of the property as this will allow gravity to more efficiently pull the water into the tank.
Clearly Mark Where The Septic Tank Is Located
Years after the tank has been installed, a homeowner may forget where it is located. This can lead to problems when it needs to be serviced and maintained. While these tanks will have access hatches that are designed to be visible on the soil, they can become overgrown with grass or covered in soil, which could make them hard to find. Placing a marker near this hatch can help to avoid this problem. For those that want to preserve the aesthetics of their property, this marker could be a birdbath, small statue or other decoration that will alert you to where this hatch is located.
Test The Soil Where The Drain Field Will Be Placed?
The septic tank will get most of the attention during the installation process. However, the drain field is another essential component of the septic tank system. This is the component that will actually allow the water from the system to drain away when it is released. For this reason, it is imperative to place the drain field in an area where the soil has good drainage. Otherwise, this area of the property could flood, which may prevent the septic tank from being able to release water. Thoroughly testing the soil for its drainage qualities and compactness can allow you to choose the perfect area in the yard to place this component. Often, this may involve installing a relatively long connection from the septic tank to the drain field. Doing this can be worth the additional expenses and excavation work in order to ensure the septic system is able to efficiently and effectively drain.
Share21 February 2020
You know what stinks? An overflowing septic tank that needs pumping. You know what doesn't stink? This website. Here, we dive into the most gnarly of septic-related topics without an ounce of embarrassment. Here, you'll find articles on sewage backups, how to keep your family from ruining your septic tank, and what you should and should not flush down your toilet. If it's septic-related, you can bet we will go there. Your septic tank may lie beneath the soil, but we don't believe in hiding. Start reading here, and you'll also gain a better understanding of how septic systems work and how to maintain them. Your pipes and grass will thank you.